
The DDJC and its member organizations are committed to creating and distributing open source resources that can support other communities to organize around the digital justice principles.

The DDJC Zine Series explores communication as a fundamental human right, demystifies concepts like “Open Data” and offers how-to guidance on producing Discovering Technology Fairs (aka DiscoTechs).

TheDDJC Toolkits Collection includes digital literacy guides, community technology curriculum, and other resources that have grown out of the DDJC’s work since 2010.

Communication is a Fundamental Human Right, Issue 1

In this issue: DDJC Principles, Internet and PC terms demystified, Is this PC worth salvaging, computer safety, Detroit digital resources, net neutrality


Communication is a Fundamental Human Right, Issue 2

In this issue: DDJC Principles, electromatic spectrum, internet privacy, computer safety, Detroit digital resources, Detroit’s media economy


Communication is a Fundamental Human Right, Issue 3

In this issue: DDJC Principles, electromatic spectrum, internet privacy, computer safety, Detroit digital resources, Detroit’s media economy



How to discotech

In this issue: DDJC Principles, How-to guide for organizing and hosting your own DiscoTech.

The “Opening Data” zine offers a primer on open data, real-world examples of data discrimination, use cases of data in organizing, creative data storytelling, and more.


Opening Data

In this issue: DDJC Principles, about Detroit’s Open Data Portal, a data primer, open data FAQs, big data: social justice opportunities and civil rights risks


Opening Data 2

In this issue: DDJC Principles, Equitable Open Data Guidelines, Our Data Bodies,
Data Justice Workshops, Resources and Examples

After the release of the first Opening Data zine, we worked on a few community research projects. Opening Data 2 shares what we discovered through these projects and ways that you can engage others in thinking about data in your communities.
